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Abiding Devotion - Free Songbook

Here is a collection of some of my recent songs and hymns for liturgical uses. Feel free to use these at your church, school, or worship setting. Send me a recording even if unpolished. It totally makes my day!! Or just play through them and send me feedback. If any selections end up under other publishers, I will post updates here. In the meantime, feel free to use them at your church or school.


  1. Come, Let Us Sing - Venite

  2. We Come Together - Opening of Service

  3. I Have Fallen Short - Kyrie

  4. To You O God Be Glory - Gloria

  5. If Your Beloved Son O God - Confession of Faith

  6. Create in Me - Prayer

  7. O Holy Lord of Heaven - Sanctus

  8. O Lord, You are the Lamb of God - Agnus Dei

  9. In Ancient Times - Benedictus

  10. My Soul Proclaims - Magnificat

  11. My God Will Never Leave Me - Commitment

  12. Now I must go - Nunc Dimittis

  13. Be Near Me As I Now Depart - Close of Service Penitential Season

  14. Now, the Hour of Worship O'er - Close of Service

Click here for the PDF. Note the orientation is optimized to avoid page turns in double sided printouts.

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