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Where is the Light this Christmas?

I revised my "blue Christmas song," Where is the Light this Christmas to fix some lyrics and formatting issues. I've replaced all four links below with updated versions and changed the lyrics in the 2018 post below.

Post from November, 2018:

I just finished this Christmas song this week. I noticed very few songs for people who just can't bear the this time of year, perhaps because of loss, struggles at work or at home, or even loneliness. Maybe all of us feel that way sometimes. I hope this could be comfort for those times.

I originally titled it "A Christmas Gift for Me." But, it sounds kind of weird out of context. so I've been using the first line. Let me know what you think.

Here is the text:

Where is the Light this Christmas

(A Christmas Gift for Me)

By Josh Birkholz

Verse 1.

Where is the light this Christmas?

Where is the merry ring?

No bells nor glitter give me

Reasons that I might sing.

My heart is pressed with worry.

I pass the days alone.

While others sing I'm silent;

My song is yet unknown.

Verse 2.

I pray for consolation

"Lord, give me strength to see.

I know I should be joyful,

Yet all I see is me."

I open up my Bible,

Turning to read Luke two.

"Fear not!" the angel tells me,

"This good news is for you."


Now I can sing!

A spark of hope ignites me.

And I can bear

My sleepless worry and my fear.

A child, my King!

Good tidings of great joy!

This precious one. God's holy Son;

A Christmas gift for me!

Verse 3.

The angels' song is glorious;

A gift for majesty.

Yet, in those words a promise;

To me He offers peace.

I set aside my trouble,

And, now what do I see?

The wondrous light of Christmas.

A Christmas gift for me!

As always, feel free to use it at your church or school. Reach out to me if you have other uses in mind. Send me a note with questions, comments, or recordings from your church.


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