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All Hymns on the site - Quick find for PDFs

Here is a list of the hymns whether featured or in past collections posted to the site. When I post new hymns (or old ones I still need to type or tweak), I will try and add to this list. These are only the PDFs, but the music library is alphabetical and descriptions for most of them should be easy to find. I may do the same for choir music - but I am much further behind on those pieces.

Across the Sky the Shades of Night  -  New Years

Arise, O Lord!  -  Psalm 3


Be Near Me As I Now Depart  -  Close of Service, Funeral


Commissioning Song  -  Confirmation, Graduation, Commissioning


Come Let Us Sing  -  Venite – Psalm 95


Create in Me  -  Psalm 51


Day and Night I Seek You  -  Psalm 1


I Am Delivered  -  Hannah's Song


I Have Fallen Short  -  Confession of Sins


I Imagine More  -  Missions


In Ancient Times  -  Benedictus


If Your Beloved Son O God  -  Justification


Jesus Came, the Heaven's Adoring  -  Christmas


Jesus Christ, Our Lord Most Holy  -  Good Friday (Hymn/Choir option)


Keep Me Safe, My God  -  Psalm 16


Luther's Evening Prayer  -  Hymn Setting


Luther's Morning Prayer  -  Children's Hymn        


My God Will Never Leave Me  -  Trust


My Maker, Be with Me  -  Ordination, Installation, Confirmation


My Soul Proclaims  -  Magnificat, Advent


Now I Must Go  -  Nunc Dimittis, Funeral


Now, the Hour of Worship O’er  -  Close of service

O Holy Lord of Heaven  -  Sanctus

O Lord, You are the Lamb of God  -  Agnus Dei

Oh, Sing, My Soul, Your Maker's Praise  -  Praise (reluctant praise)

Once Again My Heart Rejoices  -  Christmas        

Our Father, You are Holy  -  Lord's Prayer 

Pale the Moonlight  -  Christmas   


Take Your Stand  -  Veteran’s Day (Song/Choir option)

To You O God Be Glory  -  Gloria

Was It Not a Wonder  -  Ascension

We Come Together (Gathering Hymn)  -  Open of Service

Welcome, Happy Morning  -  Easter

With Broken Heart  -  Confession of Sins



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